In the modern world, when tempo of life grows day by day, the food-related problems are very acute. Due to time shortage, people have to eat in fast food facilities, have a snack, eat irregularly. Sooner or later, non-balanced nutrition makes negative impact on the digestive system organs, especially stomach and cause feeling of heaviness, discomfort, heartburn, belching, even pain.
Top five useful products:
Source of the useful cells, vitamins and minerals. It is better to have them mixed, the more so, that all the shops offer the ready mixes.
Excellent source of the useful fats and proteins. If you are not able to eat adequately, keep in mind that nuts are better than fast food.
Dried fruits
Dried fruits
Various dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates are delicious and useful source of carbohydrates and cellular tissue, the excellent substitute of snack.
Cereals and brans
Cereals and brans
These products are also rich in cellular tissue and vitamins. They promote functioning of stomach and bowels, although there is one detail: these products are unfit for those suffering celiac disease (gluten enteropathy)
These are the delicious vitamins: red, green, blue and yellow, of any colour or taste, but we should remember that some of the berries are allergic or have sour taste. They may cause increase of acidity of gastric juice, so, it is not recommended to eat them a lot.